In mood
In mood

Mind-wandering as a natural kind: a family-resemblances view. A short boredom proneness scale: development and psychometric properties. Exploring the utility of the Multidimensional State Boredom Scale. Music-evoked incidental happiness modulates probability weighting during risky lottery choices. The role of potential loss in the influence of affect on risk-taking behavior.

in mood

The effect of positive feelings on risk taking: when the chips are down. A practical guide to calculating Cohen’s f f 2 2, a measure of local effect size, from PROC MIXED. Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences (Routledge, 2013). Reward-processing behavior in depressed participants relative to healthy volunteers: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Reduced hedonic capacity in major depressive disorder: evidence from a probabilistic reward task. Confidence interval estimation for standardized effect sizes in multilevel and latent growth modeling. Robustness of linear mixed effects models to violations of distributional assumptions. Specification of random effects in multilevel models: a review.

in mood

Risk taking for potential losses but not gains increases with time of day. Magnetoencephalographic correlates of mood and reward dynamics in human adolescents. Neuro-computational account of how mood fluctuations arise and affect decision making. The involvement of the orbitofrontal cortex in the experience of regret. State mood, task performance, and behavior at work: a within-persons approach. Boredom at work: proximal and distal consequences of affective work-related boredom. Affective neuroscience of self-generated thought. Is thinking really aversive? A commentary on Wilson et al.’s “Just think: the challenges of the disengaged mind". A multi-faceted approach to understanding individual differences in mind-wandering. The unengaged mind: defining boredom in terms of attention. The temporal dynamics of opportunity costs: a normative account of cognitive fatigue and boredom. 38th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (2016).Īgrawal, M., Mattar, M. Boredom, Information-Seeking and Exploration. A primer on foraging and the explore/exploit trade-off for psychiatry research. Learning the opportunity cost of time in a patch-foraging task. Should I stay or should I go? How the human brain manages the trade-off between exploitation and exploration. Opportunity and incremental cost: an attempt to define in systems terms. Annual research review: transdiagnostic neuroscience of child and adolescent mental disorders-differentiating decision making in attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, conduct disorder, depression, and anxiety. The ecological validity of delay aversion and response inhibition as measures of impulsivity in AD/HD: a supplement to the NIMH multimodal treatment study of AD/HD. The motivation and pleasure dimension of negative symptoms: neural substrates and behavioral outputs. Individual differences in rate of affect change: studies in affective chronometry. Personality and the Structure of Affective Responses (Psychology Press, 1994). Comment: affective chronometry has come of age. Affective style and affective disorders: perspectives from affective neuroscience. Evidence for universality and cultural variation of differential emotion response patterning. The duration of affective phenomena or emotions, sentiments and passions. A computational and neural model of momentary subjective well-being.

in mood

The temporal representation of experience in subjective mood.

in mood

Statistical Parametric Mapping: The Analysis of Functional Brain Images (Elsevier Science, 2011).

In mood