For example: grep -only-matching -line-number Fedora example.txt 2:Fedora. (-v is specified by POSIX. For added context, use the -line-number option ( -n for short) to see the line number where the matched pattern appears in the file. Grep evolved over the years, and the most common version available today for Linux, GNU grep, has additional features such as colored output. 3 Answers Sorted by: 5 Try this: hzhangdell-work cat sample.csv abc, xyz abc,1 abc,2 abc,3,xyz hzhangdell-work grep abc sample.csv grep -v 'xyz' abc,1 abc,2 The explanation of -v: -v, -invert-match Invert the sense of matching, to select non-matching lines.

This utility was originally developed for the Unix operating system in the early 1970s. grep is a Linux tool usually used for searching text files for specific content. If a pattern is to be searched in all the files in some directory, * can be used in shells which supports glob or alternatively, -r option of grep can be used which would search in all files in the directory recursively. The Linux GREP command is often used to return lines and files that perfectly match a pattern or a regular expression. The most common way to find text in a Linux system is using the command-line utility grep. When you use file.txt, you're actually using relative path. On the other hand, relative paths are ideal if the folder you want to search in is in the current directory or the subdirectory of the current directory. For example, when I'm currently in $HOME/Desktop and I want to access files from c in /mnt, then I'll use absolute path, i.e., /mnt/c. Absolute path generally starts with the root of the file system hierarchy, i.e., / and relative path starts with the name of sub-directory in the current directory that contains the files.Ībsolute paths are ideal when you're currently in different hierarchy. grep -f patternfile filetomatch In our example, we’ve created pattern file names pattern.txt with the below contents: cat pattern.txt This It. The file should contain one pattern per line. You can provide absolute path or relative path of the file. Instead of writing it down every time, you can specify a list of patterns in a file and use with -f flag.